Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale
12th May 1820- 13th August 1910

Florence Nightingale lead the way to nursing. She came from a rich family who didn’t want her to be a nurse but she stuck to her dream and also she loved to treat people. Her most famous contribution was when it was the Crimean War in 1854 when she and 38 other volunteer nurses (trained by Florence Nightingale) went to Turkey to ensure the British soldiers are safe, fit and healthy to be on the battlefield.

This is all how it started, Florence Nightingale’s quest to tutor other people who want to be a nurse. That is why she is called 'The Lady With the Lamp'. 

In 1860, Florence set up a nursing school called Nightingale Training school for nurses. She dedicated her life to promote nursing. She is a great example of commitment and compassion to care for patients and efficient hospitals.